Memphis 08/25/1985 August 25th 1985

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Video Quality:VG
Run Time: 2:00

CWA Memphis Wrestling 8/25/85
All matches from MSC 8/12/85 (Mid-American Title Tournament)
● Bota the Withdoctor vs. Tommy Montana
● Jerry Bryant vs. Tracy Smothers (JIP)
● Jerry Jarrett vs. Tom Branch
~ Interviews w/Tom Branch & Bulba/Phil Hickerson/Sheepherders
● The Spoiler (Morrell) vs. Tommy Wright (JIP)
● Tojo Yamamoto vs. Man Mountain Link
● Ron Sexton vs. David Haskins (JIP)
● Koko Ware vs. The Master Blaster
● Jerry Jarrett vs. Jerry Bryant
● Tojo Yamamoto vs. The Spoiler (JIP)
● Koko Ware vs. Ron Sexton
● Jerry Jarrett vs. Bota the Withdoctor
● Koko Ware vs. The Spoiler
~ Interviews w/Tommy Wright/Koko Ware/Jerry Lawler
● Koko Ware vs. Bota the Withdoctor (JIP)
~ Buddy Wayne, Sexton & Travis Interview (Wayne hints turning on his team and debuts Mr. Class) (from TV 8/17/85)
● Koko Ware, Jerry Lawler, Tojo Yamamoto & Jerry Jarrett vs. Buddy Wayne, Hot Property (Ron Sexton & Billy Travis) & Mr. Class (from TV 8/17/85)

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