Memphis 08/31/1985 August 31st 1985

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Video Quality:VG
Run Time: 2:00

CWA Memphis Wrestling 8/31/85
● Southern Champ Taurus Bulba (w/Tom Branch) vs. Jim Jamison
~ Tommy Wright vs. Bota the Witchdoctor (MSC 8/26/85) Music Video “I’m Walkin’ on Sunshine”
~ Interviews w/Lawler, Hickerson & Ware /Freebirds/Sheepherders
~ Jerry Lawler & Phil Hickerson vs. The Fabulous Freebirds (MSC 8/26/85) Music Video
● Sheepherders (Boyd & Morgan) vs. David Haskins & Tommy Montana
~ Fabulous Ones Music Video “Would I Lie To You”
● Fabulous Ones vs. Black Shadow & Lou Winston
~ Fabulous Ones Interview
● Jerry Lawler vs. Bota the Witchdoctor (Michael Hayes attacks the King)
~ Michael Hayes Interview
● Tojo Yamamoto & Jerry Jarrett vs. Mr. Class & Ron Sexton (w/Buddy Wayne) (Wayne helps his team attack Tojo & Jarrett before the match can start, Koko Ware and the newly turned babyface Billy Travis make the save with plywood)
~ Highlights from MSC 8/26/85: Sean & Brian O’Reilly vs. Billy Travis & Ron Sexton (Buddy Wayne & Sexton turn on Travis, Koko Ware makes the save)
~ Koko Ware Music Video “The Bird”
● Koko Ware & Billy Travis vs. Tom Branch & The Spoiler (Morrell) (Buddy Wayne, Mr. Class & Sexton attack Ware/Travis)
~ Interviews w/Jerry Lawler/Koko Ware & Billy Travis
~ Buddy Wayne, Sexton & Mr. Class Interview (Koko & Travis attack)

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