Memphis 11/22/1986 November 22nd 1986

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Video Quality:VG
Run Time: 2:00

CWA Memphis Wrestling 11/22/86 (some jittering early on)
~ Jeff Jarrett, Billy Travis & Paul Diamond Interview (The Sheepherders interject their thoughts. Tojo, Sato & Goto also interrupt)
● International Tag Champs Jeff Jarrett & Paul Diamond (w/Billy Travis) vs. Akio Sato & Tarzan Goto (w/Tojo Yamamoto) (The Sheepherders attack Travis at ringside and Tojo throws salt in the eyes of Diamond to aid in a title change)
~ Paul Diamond Interview (an irate Paul Diamond threatens to get rid of Tojo permanantly)
~ Local Promo Interviews w/Tojo / Downtown Bruno, Big Bubba & Goliath
● The Rock ‘n’ Roll RPM’s (Mike Davis & Tommy Lane) vs. Keith Eric & David Razor
~ The Rock ‘n’ Roll RPM’s Interview (The RPM’s claim Sato & Goto cost them a tournament in Japan, this leads to a brawl between the two teams)
~ Downtown Bruno, Big Bubba & Goliath Interview
● Big Bubba & Goliath (w/Downtown Bruno) vs. Benny Trailer, Jerry Garmen, Jim Jamison & David Johnson (2 vs. 4 Handicap Match)
~ Jerry lawler & Giant Hillbilly Elmer Interview
~ Sheepherders Interview
● The Sheepherders (Boyd & Bog Foot) vs. Tony Parks & David Haskins
~ Local Promo Interviews w/Paul Diamond / Jeff Jarrett / Jerry Lawler
● Jerry Lawler & Hillbilly Elmer vs. Dennis Hall & Boy Tony (w/Dolly Parker)
~ The Killer & Kenny Dee were supposed to show up and the Killer was to unmask, but Lance Russell announces the Killer as a no show.

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