BJW Death Matches V.37

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Video Quality:EX
Run Time 2:00

1. BJW Death Match Heavyweight Title, 445 Fluorescent Lighttubes Death Match : Yuko Miyamoto VS Abdullah Kobayashi   (30.09.2009)
2. Love of Madness Poison Death Match : Romeo Kasai VS Juliet Numazawa   (01.10.2009)
3. 200 Fluorescent Lighttubes & Dangerous Weapons 3 Way Death Match : Ryuji Ito / Takashi Sasaki VS Isami Kodaka / Yuko Miyamoto VS Jun Kasai / Jaki Numazawa   (26.10.2009)
4. 200 Fluorescent Lighttubes Death Match : Shadow WX / Takashi Sasaki / Abdullah Kobayashi VS Isami Kodaka / Yuko Miyamoto / Masashi Takeda   (20.11.2009)
5. Razor Cross Board Death Match : Jun Kasai VS Ryuji Ito   (20.11.2009)

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