Memphis 09/07/1985 September 7th 1985

New Page 1
Video Quality:VG
Run Time: 2:00

CWA Memphis Wrestling 9/7/85
~ Jerry Lawler Interview (Lawler has regained the Southern Title)
● Sheepherders (Boyd & Morgan) vs. Benny Traylor & Jerry Garmen
~ The Fabulous Ones/Sheepherders Feud Recap Music Video “The Heat is On”
~ Fabulous Ones Music Video “Would I Lie To You”
~ Interviews w/Fabulous Ones/Sheepherders
● Mongolian Stomper vs. Jim Jamison
~ Interviews w/Freebirds (Gordy & Roberts)/Hickerson, Lawler & The Stomper/Michael Hayes/Fabs, Ware, Jarrett & Tojo
~ Koko Ware Music Video “The Bird”
● Koko Ware & Billy Travis vs. The Black Shadow & The Spoiler (Morrell)
~ Recap of the Ware & Travis/Sexton & Mr. Class feud
● Koko Ware & Billy Travis vs. Ron Sexton & Mr. Class (w/Buddy Wayne) (Highlights from MSC 9/2/85)
~ Interviews w/Buddy Wayne, Sexton & Class/Ware & Travis
● Ron Sexton & Mr. Class (w/Buddy Wayne) vs. David Haskins & Tommy Montana

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