BJW Death Matches V.13


New Page 1

Video Quality:EX

Run Time 2:00
1. Mayumi Ozaki / Yuko Miyamoto
VS Kyoko Kimura / isami [Fluorescent
Light Tubes Death Match]
2. Jun Kasai / Men's Teioh VS Naoki
Numazawa / Takashi Sasaki [Fire Death Match]
3. BADBOY Hido / Naoki Numazawa / Takashi Sasaki
VS Jun Kasai / Men's Teioh / Saburo Inematsu [Fluorescent Light Tubes
Death Match]
4. Badboy Hido / Abdullah Kobayashi / Takashi Sasaki
VS Men's Teioh / Naoki Numazawa / Jun
Kasai [Fluorescent Light Tubes Death Match]
5. Takashi Sasaki / Abdullah Kobayashi / Badboy Hido
VS Jun Kasai / Naoki Numazawa / Saburo
Inematsu [Fluorescent Light Tubes Death Match]
6. Jun Kasai / Naoki Numazawa VS isami /
Yuko Miyamoto [School of Madness Death Match]

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