Memphis 03/08/1986 March 8th 1986

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Video Quality:VG
Run Time: 2:00

CWA Memphis Wrestling 3/8/86
● Dirty Rhodes vs. Benny Traylor (The referee here is Jeff Jarrett)
~ Local Promo Interview w/JD Costello & The MOD Squad
~ Dutch Mantell Interview (Sit down Interview where Mantell explains his longtime friendship with Dundee, and how Landell came along and got in the Superstar’s ear. Mantell talks about Dundee ending their friendship and changing his personality. This is so good I would believe it as a shoot. Dutch then plays the guitar to end the interview.)
● Dutch Mantell vs. Jerry Garmen
● Bill Dundee & Buddy Landell vs. David Johnson & Jim Jamison (After the match Landell and Dundee attack referee Jeff Jarrett. Jerry Jarrett runs to his son’s aid, but eventually gets laid out as well. As Dundee and Landell try to take out Jerry’s good eye, Jeff gets a second win and does a nice job fighting the heels off of his father but only momentarily. The heels again lay out Jeff until Dutch Mantell makes the save.)
~ Jerry Jarrett Interview (Jerry tries to speak but can’t stop crying after his son was attacked, Lance Russell walks him off the set)
~ Eddie Marlin Interview (He announces he is bringing Jerry Lawler back to teach Landell & Dundee a lesson)
● Fantastics vs. Tony Falk & Keith Eric
~ Local Promo Interview w/Dundee & Landell
~ Dutch Mantell Interview (During this Interview, Eddie Marlin calls Jerry Lawler over a speaker phone. Eddie asks him to return to gain revenge for the Jarrett family. The King accepts! And his 6-month “Loser Leaves Town” contract lasts 6 weeks.)
● MOD Squad (w/JD Costello) vs. Thunderbolt Hamilton & David Haskins

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