Memphis 12/07/1986 December 7th 1986

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Video Quality:VG
Run Time: 2:00

CWA Memphis Wrestling 12/6/86 (2nd half of show has some jiterry issues)
~ Big Bubba & Downtown Bruno Interview (Bubba is wearing a mask and Lance Russell shows why. We are shown a clip from the MSC from 11/24. Lawler shaves the head of Big Bubba after defeating him in a hair vs. hair match.)
● Big Bubba & Goliath (w/Downtown Bruno) vs. Jim Jamison, Robert Bryant, Mike Murphy & Ed Mattox (4 on 2 Handicap Match)
~ Local Promo Interviews w/Bruno, Bubba & Goliath
~ Jonathan Boyd Interview (Big Foot has lost a loser leaves town match, leaving Boyd to fend for himself. Boyd now challenges Jeff Jarrett to a 1 on 1 “New Zealand Deathbox Match” which is basically a casket match. Jarrett accepts and signs the contract for the match. After Jarrett signs, Boyd pulls a giant PYTHON SNAKE out of the box and throws it on Jarrett as Lance Russell & Dave Brown go running. Boyd then announces that the python WILL BE IN THE CASSKET during the contest! Eddie Marlin comes out to get Boyd to remove the snake stipulation but Jonathan refuses to budge.
● Akio Sato & Tarzan Goto (w/Tojo Yamamoto) vs. Jerry Garmen & Benny Trailer
● Paul Diamond & Pat Tanaka vs. The Great Kabuki & Tony Burton (w/Tojo, Burton was the Ninja, who recently lost his mask in a match against Tanaka. Tojo Tar & feathers Paul Diamond after the match.)
~ Paul Diamond Interview
~ Fabulous Ones Music Video (The Boys are Back in Town)
~ The Rock ‘n’ Roll RPM’s Interview (The RPM’s have already turned heel after only two weeks, talking trash about the Fabs. Tracy Smothers confronts the RPM’s after they talk trash about his mentors, the Fabulous Ones. The RPM’s then attack Smothers.)
~ Local Promo Interview w/Jerry Lawler & Eddie Marlin
● Jerry Lawler, Jeff Jarrett & Billy Travis vs. Boy Tony & The Memphis Vice (Jerry Bryant & Lou Winston) (Big Bubba & Goliath attacks the faces as TV time ends. Just as the Memphis Vice stated a few weeks earlier on TV, the next man or men that interfere in one of their matches were going to pay, the Memphis Vice ATTACK Bubba & Goliath and aid Lawler and company in clearing the ring of the heels. Lawler removes the mask of Bubba to reveal his shaved head as they clear the ring.)

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