Memphis 10/25/1986 October 25th 1986

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Video Quality:VG
Run Time: 2:00

CWA Memphis Wrestling 10/25/86
● Pat Tanaka vs. Keith Eric
~ Audio Interview from Paul Diamond in regards to his healing process (During the interview we are shown a clip of Tojo, Sato & Goto breaking Diamond’s leg)
~ Pat Tanaka Interview
~ Dennis Hall & Dolly Parker Interview (If Parker placed some of her midsection weight into her chest she’d be a more believable Parton lookalike)
● Dennis Hall (w/Dolly Parker) vs. David Haskins
~ Local Promo Interviews w/Jerry Lawler, Jarrett & Tanaka (in regards to the Hospital Elimination match)
~ VTR: Boy Tony Interview (Hygiene tip #3: Falk teaches people how to use deodorant, perfume, etc…)
~ Tracy Smothers Interview (Smothers talks about his upcoming match with Boy Tony in which the Mid-American Title can change hands via DQ)
● Tracy Smothers vs. The Ninja (This match doesn’t take place as Boy Tony, dressed as a fan, attacks Smothers at ringside and piledriver Tracy on the floor twice. The Ninja then attacks Smothers in the ring, Pat Tanaka makes the save.)
~ Boy Tony Interview
~ Another Evansville Arena Giveaway Night is advertised
~ A series of mini-music videos are shown involving Jerry Jarrett, Jeff Jarrett, Austin Idol, Tommy Rich & Jerry Lawler
● Jeff Jarrett vs. Larry Wright
~ Tracy Smothers Interview
~ Jerry Lawler’s Discount Furniture Commercial #2 (Lawler finally debuts a new commercial sans Stan Frazier)
● Dirty Rhodes, Don Badd, Akio Sato & Tarzan Goto (w/Tojo) vs. Jerry Garmen, Benny Trailer, Randy & Robert Bryant
~ Local Promo Interviews w/Dirty Rhodes / Tojo Yamamoto
~ Big Bubba Interview
● Big Bubba & Bubba Monroe vs. Excitement Inc. (Ric McCord & John Paul)

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