Best of Kobashi V.4

New Page 2
Video Quality: EX
Run Time: 2:00
  • 11/17/89 Kenta Kobashi & Akira Taue vs The Nasty Boys
  • 11/19/89 The British Bulldogs & Kenta Kobashi vs Dan Kroffat & Doug Furnas & Masanobu Fuchi
  • 1/2/90 Kenta Kobashi vs Yoshiaki Yatsu
  • 1/3/90 New Year Battle Royal
  • 1/3/90 Kenta Kobashi vs The Great Kabuki
  • 1/14/90 Kenta Kobashi vs Randy Rhodes
  • 1/20/90 Tiger Mask & Kenta Kobashi vs The British Bulldogs
  • 3/6/90 Kenta Kobashi vs Tiger Mask

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