Best of Alex Shelley V.1

New Page 2
Video Quality: EX
Run Time: 1:30
  • TLC Match: Alex Shelley & Masato Tanaka vs. Dick Togo & Sonjay Dutt (3/15/05)
  • Alex Shelley & Tatsuhito Takaiwa vs. Masato Tanaka & Tetsuhiro Kuroda (3/23/05)
  • Alex Shelley vs. Leonardo Spanky (3/25/05)
  • Alex Shelley & Leonardo Spanky vs. Minoru Fujita & Ikuto Hidaka (3/27/05)
  • Alex Shelley vs. PSYCHO (5/20/05)
  • Alex Shelley vs. Osamu Namiguchi (5/26/05)
  • Alex Shelley & Tadao Yasuda vs. Kamikaze & Ikuto Hidaka (7/29/05)
  • Alex Shelley vs. Ikuto Hidaka (7/31/05)

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