Best of WWC V.071

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Video Quality:VG-EX
Run Time: 1:45

World Wrestling Council TV 1/19/91 (45mins w/low audio)
Match: (JIP) TNT vs. ???
~ Clip of Super Medico III vs. Rick Valentine
~ Interviews w/Super Medico I & III/Monster Ripper/Rick Valentine/Galan Mendoza/Johnny Ringo/TNT/El Profe/Carlos Colon/Scott Hall/Giant Warrior
Match: The Invader vs. Texas Hangman Killer (the Texas Hangman attack Invader; Los Super Medicos, Rick Valentine & Galan Mendoza, Kim Duk, the Giant Warrior, Carlos Colon, & El Bronco brawl at ringside)
Match: Original TNT vs. Hurricane Castillo Jr.
Match: (JIP) Scott Hall & the Giant Warrior vs. Kim Duk & The WWF’s Barbarian (Scott Hall turns heel)
World Wrestling Council TV 1/20/91 (43mins w/low audio)
~ Interviews w/Los Super Medicos/Miguel Perez/Rick Valentine/Galan Mendoza/Monster Ripper/The Texas Hangmen/Invader I/El Bronco/TNT/Original TNT
Match: Miguel Perez & Hurricane Castillo vs. Rick Valentine & Galan Mendoza
Match: Scott Hall vs. Herbe Gonzales
Match: TNT vs. Kim Duk (The Original TNT attacks TNT)
~ Greg Valentine music video “Here comes the Hammer”
~ Carlos Colon Training video

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