Best of WWC V.085

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Video Quality:VG-EX
Run Time: 1:45

World Wrestling Council Caribbean Championship Wrestling ’89 (47mins)
(first 2 or 3 minutes of the program has tracking flaws)
American Commentary: Hosted by Ric St. James & Rip Rogers
Match: Mark & Chris Youngblood vs. Jonathan Holiday & Tama
Match: The Batten Twins vs. Miguel Perez Jr. & Hurricane Castillo Jr. (Scaffold Match)
~ Steve Strong video (“666”)
Match: "White Angel" Curtis Thompson vs. Chicky Starr
WWC 7/90 (28mins)
~ episode is shaky at times
~ Interviews w/Gama Singh/Scott Hall/Lance Idol/Colon/Invader/TNT
Match: Herbert Gonzalez & Tito Corleon vs. Rick Valentine & Lance Idol
Match: Chicky Starr vs. La Sombra
Match: TNT & Atkie Mulumba vs. Miguel Perez Jr. & Gusto Maldonado
WWC Summer ‘90 (40mins)
~ episode is shaky at times
~ Lance Idol & Rick Valentine/Medicos/Duk/Invader/TNT/Mulumba/Scott Hall
Match: Kim Duk vs. Jobber
Match: Super Medicos vs. Lance Idol & Rick Valentine
Match: Leo Burke vs. Invader #1
Match: Scott Hall vs. Atkie Mulumba


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