Best of WWC V.095

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Video Quality:VG-EX
Run Time: 1:45

WWC TV 7/21/91 (46mins)
~ Some TV glitches lowers the VQ
~ Alex Porteau Video
~ Interviews w/Ricky Santana/Giant Warrior/Ring Lords/Volkoff/Colon
Match: Abdullah the Butcher vs. Dutch Mantell
Match: Fidel Sierra vs. Jobber
Match: Hurricane Castillo Jr. & Miguel Perez Jr. vs. Ring Lords (Castillo turns on Perez)
Match: Nikolai Volkoff vs. Johnny Rich (from Mid-South)
~ Clip of Nikolai Volkoff vs. Carlos Colon
Match: Ricky Santana vs. Jobber
WWC TV 7/28/91 (49mins, low audio)
~ Abdullah the Butcher attacks a naked Carlos Colon in the showers
Match: Fidel Sierra vs. Invader IV
~ Interviews w/Fidel Sierra/Super Medico III/Invader #1/Tama/Sky Walker (Nitron)/Giant Warrior/Castillo & Perez/Colon/TNT
Match: Super Medico III vs. Jobber
Match: Koko B. Ware vs. Al Burke (from WWF)
Match: Abdullah the Butcher vs. Giant Warrior
~ Samoan Swat Team Video


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