Best of Portland V.06


Video Quality:VG/EX

Run Time: 2:00
~ Playboy
Buddy Rose in a cage prior to a cage match with Roddy Piper 12/21/79
~ Rowdy Roddy Piper wearing a Santa hat & breaks a full bottle of beer on his
head!!! (all Piper interviews on this video are legendary Piper stuff!!!)
● Buddy Rose & Sheepherders vs. Rick Martell, Stan Stasiak & Yaki Joe 12/21/79
(first fall & a half...complete match is on tape #10)
● Buddy Rose vs. Killer Tim Brooks in a dog collar match 6/2/79 (post match
interviews are on Tape #12)
● Buddy Rose vs. Jay Youngblood....Rose & Ed Wiskowski "break" Youngblood's arm.
Lonnie Mayne & Rick Youngblood makes the save. 9/24/77
~ Lonnie Mayne..."There's excitement in the air!!!" The fans have given Lonnie a
birthday cake. It's very sad to know that this would be Lonnie's final birthday
as he was killed the following August. 9/24/77
● Gino Hernandez vs. Handsome John Anson...joined in progress. 10/1/77
~ Buddy Rose & Ed Wiskowski 10/1/77
~ Roddy Piper 5/5/79
~ Buddy Rose 5/5/79
● Buddy Rose & Johnny Mantell vs. Ron Starr & Adrian Adonis 5/5/79 (start & end
of match only)
~ Roddy Piper 5/12/79
● Buddy Rose & Roddy Piper 5/12/79
~ Buddy Rose 5/12/79
● Roddy Piper vs. Buddy Rose in a lumberjack match. Killer Brooks returns from
an injury to make the save. 5/19/79

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