Best of Portland V.10


Video Quality:VG/EX

Run Time: 2:00
~ Roddy Piper
& Buddy Rose 1/19/80
● Buddy Rose vs. Lonnie Mayne 11/19/77 (first fall only as the master tape
broke! Complete match is on tape #13)
● Buddy Rose & Sheepherders vs. Stan Stasiak, Rick Martell & Yaki Joe 12/21/79
(completed match from tape #6)
~ Buddy Rose 12/29/79
● Buddy Rose vs. Yaki Joe 12/29/79
~ Roddy Piper 12/29/79
~ Buddy Rose, Sheepherders & Sam Oliver Bass 12/29/79 (Bass joins Rose's "Army")

● Buddy Rose, Sheepherders & Sam Oliver Bass vs. Stan Stasiak, Dutch Savage,
Roddy Piper & Rick Martell 1/5/80
~ Rose's Army 1/5/80
~ Buddy Rose & Rip Rogers 8/4/79
● Buddy Rose vs. Sal Martino 8/4/79

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