Best of Portland V.13


Video Quality:VG/EX

Run Time: 2:00
● Ron Starr
vs. Bob Kincaid (end of match) 3/17/79
● Buddy Rose vs. Johnny Eagle with a Killer Brooks run-in (video has lines from
damage ) 5/26/79
~ Buddy Rose & Tim Brooks as Brooks has a chain wrapped around Rose's neck &
makes him accept a dog collar match 5/26/79
● Buddy Rose vs. Tim Brooks dog collar match (same as from tape #6) 6/2/79
~ Buddy Rose, Ed Wiskowski, Roddy Piper & Tim Brooks 6/2/79 (post dog collar
● Buddy Rose vs. Rick Martell (first fall only) 2/9/80
~ Buddy Rose 2/9/80
● Buddy Rose vs. Lonnie Mayne (complete match from tape #10) 11/19/77
~ Sam Oliver Bass 11/19/77
~ Dutch Savage 11/19/77 (master tape was dragging for some 11/19/77 items, so
the audio also drags)
● Gino Hernandez vs. Skip Young 11/19/77
~ Lonnie Mayne & Sam Oliver Bass 11/19/77

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