Best of Global V.92

New Page 2
Video Quality: VG
Run Time: 1:30

DISC #92
GWF Supercard 11/5/91
Match: Barry Horowitz vs. Gary Young
Match: Handsome Stranger vs. Shaun Summers
Match: Jeff Gaylord vs. Sweet Daddy Falcone (w/Skandor Akbar)
~ Interviews w/Scott Anthony/Black Bart/Handsome Stranger
Match: Tag Champs Chris Walker and Steve Simpson vs. Black Bart and Tugboat Taylor
Match: John Tatum vs. Bill Irwin (Price and Falcone/Black Bart and Rattlesnake come in)
GWF TV 10/28/91 (G)
Interviews w/Patriot/Scott Anthony/Chris Walker and Steve Simpson/Eddie Gilbert/Al Perez
Match: Eddie Gilbert vs. John Tatum (TV Title Tourney 1st Round)
Match: Brian Lee vs. Soultaker (Godfather) (TV Title Tourney 1st Round)
Match: Handsome Stranger vs. Mike Davis (TV Title Tourney 1st Round)
Match: Eddie Gilbert vs. Handsome Stranger (Finals, Title Change)
~ Scot Anthony and Eddie Gilbert Interview (Joe Pedecino interrupts to announce he has taped a conversation involving Anthony and “the BOSS”, Pedecino plans to review the tape and expose the leader of the Cartel!”


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