BJW Death matches V.19

Video Quality:EX
Run Time: 2:00
  • Ryuji Ito VS Takeshi Sasaki [300 Fluorescent Light Tubes Death Match for the BJPW Death Match Title]
  • Jun Kasai / Jaki Numazawa VS Yuko Miyamoto / Abdullah Kobayashi [Scaffold Death Match]
  • Yuko Miyamoto / Takashi Sasaki VS Ryuji Ito / Abdullah Kobayashi [Fluorescent Light Tubes Death Match]
  • Jaki Numazawa VS Yuko Miyamoto [No Rope Barbed Wire Fluorescent Light Tubes Death Match]
  • Jun Kasai / Jaki Numazawa VS Ryuji Ito / Abdullah Kobayashi VS Yuko Miyamoto / Takashi Sasaki [3 Way Death Match]

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