Best of AJPW 1990 V.10

New Page 2
Video Quality: EX
Run Time: 2:00

5/20 (taped 5/14)
1. Tiger Mask/Kawada vs. Yatsu/Fuyuki (8:41 of 18:35)
2. Davey Boy Smith vs. Dustin Rhodes (3:47 of 11:58)
3. Baba/Jumbo vs. Gordy/Williams (20:48 complete)
*******This episode has the important match where Tiger Mask un-masks as
Mitsuharu Misawa, launching an incredible run as a main eventer!*****
6/3 (taped 5/26)
1. Tsuyoshi Kikuchi/Fuyuki vs. Kawada/Nakano (7:23 of 13:36)
2. Terry Gordy vs. Davey Boy Smith (7:19 of 21:15)
3. Misawa/Kobashi/Taue vs. Jumbo/Kabuki/Fuchi (23:10 complete)

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