Best of AJPW 1990 V.13

New Page 2
Video Quality: EX
Run Time: 2:00

1. Taue vs. Spivey (6:04 of 8:59)
2. Hansen vs. Kobashi (8:10 of 12:09)
3. Jumbo/Yatsu vs. Misawa/Kawada (23:34 complete)
7/15 (taped 7/12)
1. Masa Fuchi vs. Kikuchi (8:34 of 17:59)
2. Gordy/Williams/Johnny Ace vs. Hansen/Spivey/Deaton (12:41 of 15:22)
3. Jumbo/Kabuki/Inoue vs. Misawa/Kawada/Kobashi (10/52 of 17:28)

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