Best of Johnny Saint V.07

New Page 1
Video Quality:VG
Run Time 2:00

Johnny Saint vs. Steve Grey (JIP Rd. 6)
Taped 12-19-1979 Blackburn, aired ITV 12-22-1979
Johnny Saint vs. Steve Grey (JIP Rd 10)
Taped 3-25-1980 Guildford, aired ITV 5-5-1980
Johnny Saint vs. Steve Grey
Taped 1-13-1981 Wolverhampton, aired ITV 1-31-1981
Johnny Saint vs. Steve Grey ( 20 MTL, 1 fall)
Taped 2-11-1981 Bury, aired ITV 2-28-1981
Johnny Saint vs. Zoltan Boscik
Taped 5-13-1980 Croydon, aired ITV 8-25-1980
Johnny Saint vs. Bob Anthony
Taped 11-26-1980 Walthamstow, aired ITV 12-13-1980
Johnny Saint vs. Jackie Robinson
Taped 9-11-1978 Rotherham, aired ITV 11-18-1978

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