Best of Johnny Saint V.09

New Page 1
Video Quality:VG
Run Time 2:00

Johnny Saint & Steve Best vs. The Barons: Ian Gilmour & Jeff Kaye
Taped ?-?-1972 Nottingham, aired ITV 12-2-1972
Johnny Saint vs. Jim Breaks
Taped 3-14-1973 Nottingham, aired ITV 3-20-1973
Johnny Saint vs. Terry Jowett
Taped 12-11-1974 Preston, aired ITV 12-28-1974
Johnny Saint vs. Mick McManus
Taped 11-30-1976 Solihull, aired ITV 12-4-1976
Johnny Saint vs. Kader Hassouni
FA Cup Final Day - Taped 5-11-1977 Southend, aired ITV 5-21-1977

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