Jun Kasai Produce 09/09/2011 September 9th 2011

Video Quality:EX
Run Time 2:00

1. Pain In Limit 2011 Round 1 - Weapons     & Ladder Deathmatch: The Winger vs Masashi Takeda (12:24)
2. Pain In     Limit 2011 Round 1 - Street Fight Steel Of Pain Deathmatch: Takashi Sasaki     vs Kamui (13:57)
3. Pain In Limit 2011 Round 1 - Scramble Bunkhouse     Deathmatch: Mammoth Sasaki vs Kenji Fukimoto (8:31)
4. Pain In Limit 2011     Round 1 - Lighttube Deathmatch: Jun Kasai vs MASADA (16:23)
5. Pain In     Limit 2011 Semifinal - Barbed Wire Board +Alpha Deathmatch: [winner of #3]     vs [winner of #4] (15:01)
6. Pain In Limit 2011 Semifinal - Thumbtack     Deathmatch: [winner of #1] vs [winner of #2] (12:29)
7. Pain In Limit     2011 Final - Glass Board Deathmatch (18:35)

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