AJPW 01/22/1999 January 22nd 1999








New Page 1

Video Quality:EX

Run Time 2:00

Mitsuharu Misawa vs. Toshiaki
Kawada...Triple Crown Title Match. Match of the Year Candidate for 1999. This
is absolutely incredible as half way through the match, Toshiaki Kawada breaks
his wrist. The match gets better and Kawada does yet another sick move. It
looks like he screws up, but it turns into the sickest piledriver (or
whatever) I've EVER SEEN!!!!

Toshiaki Kawada/Akira Taue
vs. Kenta Kobashi/Jun Akiyama...Great Match!

Van Vader vs. Kenta Kobashi...Another
Great Match! This tape may have the most, great matches on one tape!

Yoshinari Ogawa vs. Masahito
Kakihara...PWF Jr. Title

Tamon Honda/Jun Izumida vs.
Hayabusa/Jinsei Shinzaki...All-Asian Tag Team Titles








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