Don Owen Extravaganza 09/24/1985 September 24th 1985

New Page 1
Video Quality:EX
Run Time 2:00

Portland Wrestling Raw footage.

  1. Debbie Combs vs. Liz Chase - Joined in Progress

  2. Ricky Vaughn (Lance Von Erich) vs. Moondog Moretti - Rip Oliver challenges Billy Jack Haynes before the match.

  3. Ivan Koloff/Krusher Kruschev vs. Bobby Jaggers/Steve Pardee

  4. Wild Boys - Mike Miller/Karl Steiner vs. S & S Express - Joe Savoldi/Steve Simpson - for vacant Pacific Northwest Tag Team Titles

  5. Ric Flair vs. Magnum T.A. - NWA World Title

  6. Road Warriors vs. Sgt. Slaughter/Billy Jack Haynes - AWA Tag Team Titles

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