Complete Great Muta V.15

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Video Quality:VG/EX
Run Time 2:00

Keiji Mutoh/Masa Chono vs. Chimur Zalasov/Andrei Sulsaev 12/8/90
Keiji Mutoh vs. Bam Bam Bigelow 12/15/90
Mr. Saito and The Great Muta vs. The Royal Family (Rip Morgan and Jack Victory) 12/16/90
Mr. Saito and The Great Muta (Japan) vs. Victor Zangiev and Salman Hashimikov
The Steiner Brothers (USA) vs. Mr. Saito and The Great Muta
Keiji Mutoh vs. Tiger Jeet Singh 12/26/90
Keiji Mutoh/Masahiro Chono vs. Strong Machine/Hiro Saito 12/90
Three Musketeers promo 12/90
Keiji Mutoh vs. Rambo 2/3/91
Demolition Ax vs. Keiji Mutoh (02-06-91)
NJ Supershow promo
Keiji Mutoh/Masahiro Chono vs. Tiger Jeet Singh/Masanobu Kurisu 2/16/91
Riki Choshu/Keiji Mutoh/Tatsumi Fujinami vs. Van Vader/Brad Rheingans/Tony St. Clair 3/2/91

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