BJW Death Matches V.20

Video Quality:EX
Run Time 2:00
1. BJW Death Match Heavyweight Title, 100 Fluorescent Lighttubes Death Match : Takashi Sasaki VS Jaki Numazawa   (26.08.2007)
2. Fluorescent Lighttubes Death Match : Ryuji Ito / Abdullah Kobayashi VS Jun Kasai / Jaki Numazawa   (19.08.2007) 
3. Fluorescent Lighttubes Death Match : Jun Kasai / Jaki Numazawa VS Naoki Tanisaki / Mototsugu Shimizu   (19.08.2007)
4. Yuko Miyamoto Seven Death Match Series 3rd ~ Fans Bring the Weapons Death Match : Ryuji Ito VS Yuko Miyamoto   (09.09.2007)
5. 8 Man Death Match Battle Royale   (24.09.2007)

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