BJW Death Matches V.22



Video Quality:EX
Run Time 2:00
1. Yuko Miyamoto Seven Death Match Series 6th ~ Moonlight Darkness
Fluorescent Lighttubes Death Match : Shadow WX VS Yuko
Miyamoto   (11.11.2007)2. Pro-Wrestling
Thanksgiving Saitama-Style Death Match : Ryuji
Ito / Abdullah Kobayashi VS Jun
Kasai / Jaki Numazawa   (11.11.2007)3. 200 Fluorescent Lighttubes Death Match : Ryuji
Ito / Shadow WX VS
MASADA / Jaki Numazawa   (26.11.2007)4.
Barbed Wire Boards Death Match : Jun
Kasai / Naoki Tanisaki VS Yuko
Miyamoto / Takashi Sasaki   (26.11.2007)5.
BJW Death Match Heavyweight Title, Four Corners Cross of
'D' Death Match ~ Die Damage Danger Death : Ryuji Ito VS Jaki
Numazawa   (14.12.2007)

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