BJW Death Matches V.43

Video Quality:EX
Run Time 2:00
1. Fluorescent Lighttubes Death Match : Shadow WX / Ryuji Yamakawa VS Takashi Sasaki / Abdullah Kobayashi   (12.01.2010)
2. Glass Board & Fluorescent Lighttubes + Item X Triple S Death Match : MASADA / Jun Kasai / Jaki Numazawa VS Isami Kodaka / Yuko Miyamoto / Masashi Takeda
3. Generation Cross Tag Barbed Wire Board Death Match : Yuko Miyamoto / Takashi Sasaki VS Ryuji Ito / Mototsugu Shimizu   (13.02.2010)
4. Generation Cross Tag Fluorescent Lighttubes Death Match : Jun Kasai / Masashi Takeda VS Isami Kodaka / Jaki Numazawa   (13.02.2010)
5. Barbed Wire Board Death Match : Jun Kasai / Jaki Numazawa VS The Winger / Ryuji Yamakawa   (27.06.2010)

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