BJW Death Matches V.51

Video Quality:EX
Run Time 2:00

1. Barbed Wire Board Death Match : Jun Kasai / Jaki Numazawa VS Takashi Sasaki
/ Kamui    (02.01.2011)
2. Fluorescent Lighttubes Death Match : Ryuji Ito / Yuko Miyamoto VS Abdullah
Kobayashi VS Isami Kodaka / Masashi Takeda / Takeshi Minamino   (02.01.2011)
3. Ikkitosen Death Match Survivor Block A - G-Shock Death Match : Takashi
Sasaki VS Kankuro Hoshino   (12.02.2011)
4. Ikkitosen Death Match Survivor Block B - Open Finger Gloves Fluorescent
Lighttubes Death Match :
Masashi Takeda VS Abdullah Kobayashi
5. Fluorescent Lighttubes, Ladder & Free Weapons Death Match for the BJW Tag Team Title : Jun Kasai / Jaki Numazawa VS Brahman Shu / Brahman Kei   (12.02.2011)

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