Best of Jun Kasai in BJPW V.09



Video Quality:EX
Run Time 2:00
Jun Kasai, BADBOY
Hido & Takashi Sasaki vs. Ryuji Ito, MEN'S Teioh & Kintaro Kanemura -
2/22/5  ~ No Rope Barbed Wire Death MatchJun Kasai, BADBOY Hido & Takashi Sasaki vs. Ryuji Ito,
Kintaro Kanemura & Daisuke Sekimoto - 3/28/5 ~ Fluorescent Light Tubes Death
MatchJun Kasai, BADBOY Hido & Takashi
Sasaki vs. Ryuji Ito, Daisuke Sekimoto & Abdullah Kobayashi - 3/31/5 ~
Fluorescent Light Tubes Death MatchJun Kasai
& Takashi Sasaki vs. Ryuji Ito & Daisuke Sekimoto - 4/3/5 ~ Fluorescent
Light Tubes Death MatchJun Kasai, BADBOY Hido
& Takashi Sasaki vs. Ryuji Ito, Daisuke Sekimoto & Jaki Numazawa -
4/29/5 ~ 100 Fluorescent Light Tubes Death Match

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