Lost Lucha V.05







Video Quality:VG
Run Time 2:00

1. Movie in the jungle about Kamala (CMLL TV around 1991)
2. Black Magic & Pierroth interviews
3. Kamala,Satanico & Emilio Charles vs. Dandy, Atlantis & Rayo de
4. Brief history of Roberts vs. Konnan feud (AAA TV '94)
5. Hair vs. Hair: Konnan vs. Jake Roberts (05/27/94, Tijuana)
This was the match that broke the all-time attendance record in Tijuana!
Specatular entrance by Konnan
6. Rocky Boy, Marabunta & Reptil vs. Super Kiss, Apollo &
"Why this match? It featurs some of todays Stars in different (previous)
7. Halloween, Damien 666,Enfermero & Arandu vs. Rey Misterio,
Thunderbird, Leon Negro & Arandu (12/08/96)
8. Los Payosos at Knotts Berry Farm






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