Best of Ted Dibiase V.05

Video Quality:VG
Run Time 2:00

Ted Dibiiase & Matt Borne vs. “Iron” Mike Sharp & Mr. Olympia (11/3/82)
Ted Dibiase Interview (1/20/83)
Ted Dibiase vs. Stagger Lee (No match) (1/26/83)
Ted Dibiase Interviews (1/26/83 & 2/3/83)
Ted Dibaise & Matt Borne vs. Tony Atlas & Andre the Giant (2/10/83)
Ted Dibiase & Matt Borne vs. Mr. Wrestling II & J.Y.D (shaky) (2/24/83)
Ted Dibiase, Skandor Akbar & Mr. Olympia Interview (4/14/83)
Ted Dibiase & Mr. Olympia vs. Mr. Wrestling II & Tiger Conway Jr. (4/14/83)
Hacksaw Duggan Interview on break-up w/ Dibiase (4/28/83)
Ted Dibiase vs. Tito Santana (Houston 6/24/83)
Ted Dibiase & Mr. Olympia vs. JYD & Hacksaw Duggan (6/30/83)
Ted Dibiase vs. Johnny Rich (7/14/83)
Ted Dibiase Interview (9/2/83)
Ted Dibiase vs. Hacksaw Duggan (9/8/83)
Ted Dibiase Interview (11/25/83)
Ted Dibiase vs. Brad Armstrong (OKC 5/27/84)
Ted Dibiase vs. Magnum T.A. (No DQ) (OKC 9/84)
Ted Dibiase vs. Magnum T.A. (No DQ) (9/84)
Hacksaw Duggan-Dr. Death Football Helmet Match (no match) (10/84)

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