Best of Raven V.1

Video Quality:VG
Run Time 2:00
Steve Doll vs Scott Peterson, Scotty the Body/Scott Peterson inv, Steve Doll attacks Scotty, Scotty/Scott Peterson vs Steve Doll/Beetlejuice (Art Barr), Carl Styles inv, Roddy Piper in the Rose Garden, Scotty/Scott Peterson vs Beetlejuice/Rex King, Beetlejuice inv, Scotty inv, Scotty/Rex King inv, Scotty/CW Bergstrom vs Top Gun/Buddy Rose, Scotty/CW Bergstrom vs Steve Doll/Scott Peterson, Scotty inv, Scotty vs Rex King, Scotty vs Rex King (different match), Scotty inv, Scotty vs Beetlejuice, Scotty inv, Scotty vs Bill Francis, Scotty vs Ricky Santana, Scotty inv, Scotty vs Bill Francis, Scotty vs Ricky Santana, Scotty/Moondog Moretti vs The Beetlejuicers, Scotty vs Steve Doll, Scotty inv, Scotty vs Rex King, Scotty vs Carl Styles, Scotty vs Steve Doll, Scotty/Carl Styles inv, Scotty/Grappler vs Southern Rockers (2 out of 3 falls), Scotty vs Rex King, Scotty inv, Scotty vs Beetlejuice, Scotty/Veronica inv

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