BJW Death Matches V.66



Video Quality:EX
Run Time 2:00

1. BJW Tag League - Block B
Final, Fluorescent Lighttubes, Ladder & Hammer Death Match ~ The Devouring
of Heaven and Earth : Yuko Miyamoto / Isami Kodaka
VS Ryuji Ito / Takumi Tsukamoto   (24.11.2012)2.
BJW Tag League - Final / BJW Tag Team Title
: Yuko Miyamoto / Isami Kodaka VS Yuji
Okabayashi / Shinobu   (24.11.2012)3. 045 Ja Saru Kichigai's General Election Fluorescent Lighttubes
& TLC Death Match : Jun Kasai / Isami Kodaka
VS Jaki Numazawa / Yuko Miyamoto   (25.11.2012)
4. Fluorescent Lighttubes, Barbed Wire Boards
& Free Weapons Death Match : Masashi Taketa
VS Takumi Tsukamoto   (09.12.2012)5.
BJW Wargame Free Weapons Death Match
: Jun Kasai / Shadow WX / Shuji Ishikawa VS
Jaki Numazawa / Yuko Miyamoto / Isami Kodaka   (09.12.2012)6.
BJW Death Match Heavyweight Title - Seven
Colors Death Match : Abdullah Kobayashi VS
Ryuji Ito   (09.12.2012)7. Fluorescent
Lighttubes Death Match : The Winger / Shuji Ishikawa / Takeshi
Sasaki VS Ryuji Ito / Shadow
WX / Takumi Tsukamoto  

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