Best of Ryuji Ito V.1


Video Quality:EX

Run Time: 2:00

Cage Death Match Ryuji Ito vs. Kintaro Kanemura (8/24/03)
Light Bulb, Barbed Wire Board & Glass Death Match Ryuji Ito [c] vs.
Abdullah Kobayashi (12/24/03)
Fluorescent Light Tubes, Glass Board & Alpha Death Match - BJW Death Match
Heavyweight Title: Ryuji Ito [c] vs. BADBOY Hido (4/29/04)
Fans Bring The Weapons Fluorescent Light Tubes Death Match - BJW Death
Match Heavyweight Title: Ryuji Ito [c] vs. Mad Man Pondo (5/13/04)
Scramble Bunkhouse Street Fight: Ryuji Ito, Abdullah Kobayashi, Jaki
Numazawa & Gosaku vs. Ryuji Yamakawa, Shadow WX, Kintaro Kanemura & BADBOY
Hido (6/27/04)
MEN's Teioh & Zach Gowen vs. Daikokubo Benkei & Daisaku Shimoda 4/29/04)
BJW Heavyweight Title: MEN's Teioh [c] vs. Zach Gowen

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