World of Sports V.1 (Blu-Ray with Custom Cover Art)

Video Quality:EX
Run Time 8:00
  • Lenny Hurst vs The Sheik
  • Pete Roberts vs Dave Taylor
  • Dave "Fit" Finlay & Rocky Moran vs Amazing Kung Fu & Clve Myers
  • Bronco Wells vs Ed Windsor
  • Wayne Bridges vs Lee Bronson
  • Wayne Bridges & Mark Rocco vs Kendo Nagasaki & Psycho Stevens
  • Dalibar Singh vs Cowboy Brett Hart
  • John Muscles England vs Sammy Lee
  • Sid Cooper vs Clive Myers
  • Drew MacDonald vs Greg Valentine
  • Steve Veidor vs Judo Pete Roberts
  • Rocky Moran vs Fuji Yamada
  • Clive Myers vs Johnny Kidd
  • Jeff Kaye vs Banger Walsh
  • Leon Fortuna vs Mark Rocco
  • Clive Myers vs Dave Bond
  • John Elijah vs Cowboy Smith Hart
  • Mick McMichael vs Brian Maxine
  • John Naylor vs Steve Grey
  • Steve Grey vs John Cortez

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