Dragon Gate Cutting Edge 129-132

  • #129 - February 7, 2022 - The Gate of Origin 2021
    1. (11/27/21-Sendai) (Open the Twin Gate Championship) KING Shimizu & Susumu Yokosuka vs. Naruki Doi & Takashi Yoshida
    2. (11/27/21-Sendai) (Open the Dream Gate Championship) YAMATO vs. Ben-K

    #130 - February 21, 2022 - Fantastic Gate 2021
    1. (12/1/21-Tokyo) (Mask vs Mask No Second Rule) Dia Inferno & Diamante vs. Dragon Dia & Shun Skywalker

    #131 - February 28, 2022 - Fantastic Gate 2021
    1. (12/15/21-Tokyo) (Open the Triangle Gate Championship) Eita, HYO & Kaito Ishida vs. Jason Lee, Kota Minoura & Shun Skywalker

    #132 - March 5, 2022 - Final Gate 2021
    1. (12/26/21-Fukuoka) Diamante vs. La Estrella
    2. (12/26/21-Fukuoka) (Open the Twin Gate CHampionship) Naruki Doi & Takashi Yoshida vs. HYO & SB KENTo
    3. (12/26/21-Fukuoka) (Open the Dream Gate Championship) YAMATO vs. KAI

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